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Lots of new and updated software programs added to our Freeware range…

If you haven’t discovered them yet, head over to our LOGIN page where you can access a wide range of excel spreadsheets to help you design and optimise your separation system!   Just register or email us to get the password!


50th Software Customer….

We are pleased to welcome our 50th and 51st customers for our range of SEP-Calc software design programs for the selection, sizing and optimisation of a wide range of separator internals.

Users of our programs come from the entire supply chain, including other internals manufacturers, vessel fabricators, process engineering companies, EPC contractors and oilfield operators.

Based on Excel spreadsheets, the SEP-Calc range is user-friendly, cost effective and well established in the industry.

If you want to maintain your competitive edge and enhance your technical understanding, join the growing band of users today: https://www.kirkprocess.com/downloads/


New Business Structure for 2022…


Since we opened for business in 2009, we are delighted to have:

*Completed some 400+ orders for K-SEP® Internals to customers all over the world

*Delivered well over 20,000 KSME™ Axial Cyclones (Swirltubes) for gas treating applications, with a combined capacity around 25 Billion SCFD of gas.

*Supplied SEP-Calc™ software to over 40 clients to help them design and optimise separation systems

*Won the Queen’s award for Enterprise (International Trade, 2019)

Naturally, we are very proud of these achievements and extend our thanks to all our business partners be they customers, suppliers, agents and representatives, consultants or business support providers, who have helped us cement our position and reputation in the market.

It has always been our ambition to help our customers to continually improve their understanding of the optimum choice of separation solution available for their applications (via our software, consulting and training services) as well as supporting their businesses with our wide range of competitive products which are maintained up to date through our continued investment in research and development.

Next year we are implementing some significant changes to our business model to provide a more tailored, competitive and local service to customers, whilst building our strength in product technology.

New Business Structure for 2022

KIRK Process Solutions Limited will cease direct design and supply of all our specialist K-SEP® Separator Internals and we are instead appointing a network of regional Licensees around the world to take over the proposals, design and manufacturing.

Our official Licensees will be better placed to offer a faster and more competitive service, tailored to your specific requirements. All our Licensees have previously worked with us for many years before this transition and have full knowledge of our products. They are established businesses in the oil and gas treating sector and you may well be familiar already with their names. Details will be released very soon!

On a personal note, this change enables me to meet my own long-term goals of passing on our technical knowledge to the next generation, as well as unlocking possibilities for further expansion and development of the product range.  Whilst I shall be using the opportunity to phase in my retirement plans (after 40+ years in the industry), my company will be focusing on supporting our Licensees by continuing to develop the products and designs through R&D and software improvement.

Thank you for your ongoing support whilst we transition to these new relationships.

Michael Kirk – Chief Executive

New orders for Multicyclones and Axial Cyclones…

During the first few months of 2021 we have been busy with many new contracts for our removable KMCE Multicyclones and KSME Axial Cyclones for customers in Australia, the USA, Italy, India, Malaysia and the UK.  These orders included special alloys e.g. Inconel 625 (photo), as well as various CFD studies and bench tests to demonstrate performance.

New videos have been added to our YouTube channel to assist customers in the installation and maintenance of these devices.

We welcome enquiries from new clients seeking a cost effective method to remove solids from gas streams and prolong the life of downstream equipment or reduce filter change-out frequency.

Multicyclone Testing & Development…

A lot of work has been done this year (2021) developing our multi-cyclones to offer an even more cost effective and efficient solution to our customers for the removal of solid particulates and liquid mists from their gas streams.

The focus of our development efforts is on units that are simpler to install and maintain than our competitors, as well as giving a technical and performance edge.

See our YouTube channel for more info: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo9-jmlaKNqw4nZmJhodbgA



KSRS Swirl Removal System for Desanding…

We have been using the opportunities offered to us by the Covid situation to develop our designs for some of our core products, such as this example of our KSRS Swirl Removal System for sand in separators.  This is used frequently nowadays to replace the more traditional sand jetting systems because of better removal efficiency at lower water pressure and consumption.

1″ KSRS Desanding Head CFD Model

New orders for Axial Cyclones…

KSME Axial Swirltubes

During June and July various customers placed orders with us for a total of around 1000 cyclones for a range of services including mist elimination from sour natural gas as well as black powder removal at operating pressures between 25 to 100 bar.  During these difficult times we are striving to assist customers by continually improving our products through our in-house R&D programs, as well as aiming to continually reduce costs through manufacturing efficacy and design.

All Welded Cyclone Bundles…

We recently received orders from two customers for our KSME Axial Cyclones (left) and our KMCE Multi-cyclones (right) for installation inside separator vessels where the design approach is ‘sealed for life’, requiring fully welded mounting of internals into seal plates for the customers to weld directly into the vessels.  Although normally specified for installation and maintenance removal via man-holes, many of our internals can be adapted for fully welded installation with a few small modifications.  This more frequently applies to smaller vessels where it is unrealistic to install manways.

Vane Pack Vee Bank for Compact Layout…

The Vee Bank arrangement is often used to assist with the compact design of vertical or horizontal gas scrubbers / separators.  This particular example is currently being supplied to a UK pressure vessel fabricator for installation in a 1600mm dia horizontal drum with the 26″ inlet and outlet in opposite dished ends.

KVH-1 Vee Bank Vane Pack

Coronavirus Update (17 March 2020)…

We are entering uncertain and difficult times with regards to business working, meeting and travel restrictions, as well as potential disruption to the flow of goods and components internationally.

It is our intention to maintain production as close to normal as possible over the months ahead and we currently have good stock levels of most materials.

However, customers should be aware that in some instances there may be delays to production and delivery caused by circumstances beyond our control and we ask for your patience during this time of international uncertainty.  We will keep customers informed on a project / order basis.

The safety and well being of our staff, customers, suppliers and all associates is uppermost in our planning and hence we are curtailing all non essential meetings and travel for the time being.  Meetings will be held by teleconference / telephone in the first instance.

Thank you for your understanding.

Michael Kirk

Founder & Chief Executive

© 2018 Kirk Process Solutions.