Available under the K-SEP brand is a comprehensive range of Separator Internals, including conventional distributors and coalescer packs as well as state of the art compact separation devices for defoaming, sand removal, oil/water separation and gas polishing.
Inlet Deflectors
Multi-Vane Distributors
Inlet Cyclones
Perforated & Slotted Baffles
FPSO Motion Baffles
Wave Breakers
Foam Breakers
Coalescer Plate Packs
Coalescer Mesh Pads
Sand Jet Systems
Mesh/Vane/Cyclone Demisters
Vortex Breakers
Electrostatic Treater Grids
Insulated Hangers
Entrance Bushings
KSME Axial Cyclones & KMCE Multicyclones
Offer high capacity due to the axial flow design for liquid and solid particle separation. The patented separator cap achieves better mist eliminator performance than many competing ‘slotted wall’ designs and offers significant cost savings.
Offer excellent perform-ance for solids and light mists removal at a wide range of pressures, using cost effective removable element designs.
Compressor Suction Scrubbers
Discharge Scrubbers
Pipeline KO Drums
Filter Pre-Coalescers
Glycol/Amine KO Drums
Fuel Gas Treatment
High & Low Pressures
Offshore and FPSO
The swirltubes can be modified to operate as high efficiency mass transfer trays in Glycol (TEG) Dehydration Applications. They offer reduced column sizes compared to the latest structured packings (or higher throughput) and can easily be retrofitted into existing bubble cap tray columns, making them ideal for situations where pressure is falling.
SEP-Calc is a suite of Excel spreadsheets targeted at separator designers with some experience. They are tools to automate complex and repetitive calculations and hence quickly resolve the design challenges and optimise separator sizes and performance. Using a range of prediction data, the expected separation performance can quickly be estimated in terms of droplet diameters or absolute carryover; pressure drops; velocities; residence times and the like.
The various spread-sheet modules are available separately or all together as a comprehensive design package.
Installation is simple and a one-off site license allows unlimited users per site. Programs can be customised to show your own company name or logo. An option is available for annual maintenance and support including helpdesk and updates.
Design Services
Typical challenges for the Separator designer include:
> Multiphase feed
> Foaming crude
> Emulsions
> Solids or sand
> Waxes
> Paraffin & Asphalt
> Heavy oil
> High viscosity
> Light condensate
> Low surface tension
> Small droplet sizes
> Low carryover spec
> Small footprint / weight
How we meet the challenges:
After initially simulating the operating cases using standard separator design methods we then carry out a series of incremental designs drawing upon a range of internals options to evaluate the performance improvements, finally optimizing the overall vessel and nozzle sizing to deliver the most cost-effective design to match target performance. Where necessary this is supported by CFD studies.
This expertise is also available to check or verify third party vessel sizing and performance claims.